Quitman Development Corporation

The Corporation

The Quitman Development Corporation (QDC) is a Type B economic development corporation, and a Texas non-profit corporation operating pursuant to Chapters 501 and 505 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended (also referred to as the “Act”), and the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act, as codified in the Texas Business Organizations Code. 

Purpose of the Corporation

The Corporation exists to undertake programs ("Programs") and projects ("Projects") as defined at Section 48, Article 5190.6, Vernon's Ann. Texas Civil Statutes, as amended (the Development Corporation Act of 1979 - the "Act"). Such Programs 9 and Projects (collectively "Community Development Activities - "CDA's") are to result in the retention and expansion of existing businesses and attraction of new business, commerce and industry thereby promoting the public welfare by creating opportunity for gainful employment of citizens, revenues for the City of Quitman, Texas (the "City") and the overall prosperity and economic viability of the City.

Quitman Development Corporation (QDC) Board of Directors

The QDC Board is comprised of seven directors who are appointed and overseen by the City Council. Of the seven directors, at least three must not be employed by the city or members of the City Council. Board members serve for a term of two years and may be reappointed to succeed themselves. The board of directors is administratively assisted by the City Administrator, who holds the position of executive director.

QDC Executive Director                 James Attaway

QDC President                                Martha Scroggins             (Term Expires 9/30/25)

QDC Vice President                       Kevin Burroughs               (Term Expires 9/30/24)

QDC Treasurer                                Dr. Greg Eberhart              (Term Expires 9/30/25)

QDC Member                                  Brad Medlin                       (Term Expires 9/30/24)

QDC Member                                  Alice Bower                       (Term Expires 9/30/25)

QDC Member                                  Kerry Puckett                    (Term Expires 9/30/24)

QDC Member                                  Pam Bowdoin                   (Term Expires 9/30/25)



5:30pm in Quitman City Hall on the second Monday each month.